Hello netizens, On this post, I am going to share List of Open Source Projects on Cloud by Google Part 2
Cloudprober is a black-box monitoring software. It employs an “active” monitoring model. It runs probes against (or on) the components of your systems to verify that they are working as expected. Example probes include a probe that verifies that your frontend VMs can reach your backend VMs and a probe that verifies the connectivity between Cloud VMs and on-premise systems.
Project Details of Cloudprober
2.Community images for Google Cloud Container Builder
Google offers a variety of tools for building containers and the code which runs within them: bazel, docker, go, and many more. These builders extend that repertoire to a variety of new tools, and allow developers to submit their best ideas for use by the public.
Project Details of Community images for Google Cloud Container Builder
3.Container-Optimized OS from Google
Container-Optimized OS is an operating system image for your Compute Engine VMs that is optimized for running Docker containers. With Container-Optimized OS, you can bring up your Docker containers on Google Cloud Platform quickly, efficiently, and securely. Container-Optimized OS is maintained by Google and is based on the open source Chromium OS project.
Project Details of Container-Optimized OS from Google
4.Detect Exceptions Plugin for Fluentd
fluent-plugin-detect-exceptions is a plugin for fluentd which scans a log stream of text messages or JSON records for multi-line exception stack traces: If a consecutive sequence of log messages forms an exception stack trace, the log messages are forwarded as a single, combined log message. Otherwise, the input log data is forwarded as is.
Project Details of Detect Exceptions Plugin for Fluentd
Drone is a continuous delivery platform with a plugin architecture. drone-firebase is a deploy plugin that provides functionality to deploy a project to Firebase.
Project Details of Drone-firebase
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